Veteran soap actor Anthony Addabbo, who starred as Jim Lemay on GL, Tony/Jonny Carerra on B&B, Jeff Peters on Dallas, Jason Craig on Generations, & Dimitri Marick on All My Children, has died at the age of 56 according to . Several stars spoke out in the wake of his death. Former co-star Beth Chamberlin (Beth, GL) responded to some tweets saying: "So Tragic. So much life ahead of him. I can't believe it. His poor wife and son. So, so sad. Shocked." "So sad. I can't believe Anthony is gone. This is just wrong." On Instagram Tracey Bregman, another former co-star posted a picture of Anthony and said: "So saddened at the passing of my friend and coworker from @boldandbeautifulcbs #rush #turk Too soon #anthonyaddabbo way too soon" Kristoff St. John said: "Anthony Addabo was a wonderful man, friend, artist. I worked with him for 2 years on the NBC Generations. He was truly a professional, with a wi...
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