Speaking of Claudia, after Jason returned to Port Charles he went over to Sonny's and informed him that he had crossed paths with Jerry while he was looking for Michael and Kristina. He then told Sonny that Jerry tried to make him think that Claudia had nothing to do with Michael's shooting but he was still suspicious of her. Then he pointed to a recording of Claudia calling in a hit on Jerry as proof of her guilt. Sonny refused to believe that Claudia was in any way involved and walked out of the room. Is it my imagination or did Sonny used to be smarter than this? I cannot imagine what would make him so trusting of Claudia considering that she is a Zacchara and knowing how much she hated him at the time of the shooting.
On a lighter note, there were some nice moments when Jason brought Michael back to Carly's. Carly and Michael reached an understanding and Michael decided to move back home. He also decided that he should tell Jax about running into Jerry even though everyone had agreed to keep that information away from Carly. This just adds to the already lengthy list of things that Jax is keeping from Carly, which makes me wonder how many secrets one person can keep before their head explodes. Moments after Michael and Jax had this conversation Carly walked in. Then suddenly Michael remembered Jax talking to him while he was in his coma. Michael only remembered a fragment of something Jax had said to him and it was likely not enough to make any sense out of, but it was when Jax visited him to apologize for Jerry's involvement in his shooting.Elsewhere at the hospital, Edward was there having a check-up and ran into Andrea Floyd. He mentioned to her that he had seen her at the Metro Court a few weeks earlier on the same day that Brianna Hughes was murdered. And while it was apparent that Edward did not find her presence at the hotel unusual, it sent Andrea into a panic. She was later seen stealing some sort of medication off of a cart. I know that Andrea is supposed to poison Edward, but I really hope that he is not the one who dies during this whole carnival storyline that is coming up. While he is not my favorite character, GH does not have that many Quartermaines left to kill off. And there are only so many times you can kill off an actor's character and then bring them back as a different character.
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