I just finished watching the premiere episodes of the latest web series "Steamboat," written by former Guiding Light star Michael O' Leary (ex-Rick). This is completely different than the online projects other soap stars have created because it is not a soap. It is a satirical look at the world of soaps as they exist today. Only the first two episodes have been posted on youtube so far and since each one runs less than ten minutes long, it is difficult to predict the show's success or failure. However I think that soap fans, and Guiding Light fans in particular, will at the very least enjoy seeing their favorite stars in these comedic roles. Michael Park (Jack, ATWT) and Beth Chamberlin (ex-Beth, GL) seem especially suited for this type of comedy, as does O' Leary. And overall I think this show possesses all the elements it needs to accumulate a significant following. The production quality is good and it features a talented, well-rounded cast who seem to work wel...
All of the drama. None of the politics. - Since 2009