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Just My Imagination: GH

As many of you know I recently had a bout with the flu, so forgive me if my latest assessment of General Hospital is less than accurate, or coherent. However, I have been getting this strange feeling of deja vu the past few weeks because when I watch this show now it seems like I may as well be watching episodes from a few years ago. Jax and Carly are involved in a power struggle within their marriage, which involves Sonny. Michael is the center of everyone's focus and concern. Spinelli and Maxie have been involved in yet another caper. Liz is struggling with the fact that she cheated on Lucky. Johnny is public enemy number one. And Tracy is once again obsessed with Lulu's love life. I know that soaps like to recycle their storylines, but I am not sure why this soap feels the need to go back over all their old storylines using the same cast of characters. Of course this might be tolerable if the dialogue was intriguing enough to break up the monotony, but I am not sure how many more times I can hear Sonny say "I wouldn't have shot him if I had known he was my son!" Obviously Sonny is never going to accept full blame for shooting Dante, which is disappointing because I had such high hopes for what the fallout over Dante's paternity would bring to the show. I imagined Sonny struggling with what his lifestyle had once again cost him. I imagined Carly finding out about everything Jax had done, namely his attempt to hide Jerry's involvement in Michael's shooting. I guess it was foolish to think all of his secrets would come out at once, just like it was foolish to think that we might actually see Kate once Sonny learned that she had been keeping the truth about Dante from him too. The one thing I didn't imagine was that Sonny would still be painting himself as a victim more than a month after learning that Dante was his son. This adds nothing interesting to the show, in fact it only undermines its substance and makes Sonny seem like a one-dimensional character. I just wonder how long it will be before Prosecutor Claire becomes his new love interest, but am I the only one who thinks that she and Dante look like they could be siblings? Perhaps Sonny should screen all his future girlfriends for a possible DNA match, just in case he has any more illegitimate children out there he doesn't know about yet.


  1. Paula,

    I'm glad you're feeling better!

    No, you're not imagining things. I especially disliked the fact that Carly is blaming Dante for causing her breakup with Jax. Please.

    I just wonder how they got Lucky and Nikolas to cry at the same time in the therapy session with Liz and Lainey. Onions? Pictures of sad puppies?

  2. Hi Peggy!

    Thanks, me too! :)

    Yeah, Carly blaming Dante was just ridiculous. Jax was the one pulling all the strings, nobody forced him to do what he did.

    LOL! Onions probably. I'm hating that whole storyline right now.


  3. Hi Paula,
    I'm glad you are feeling better and hopefully back to your daily blogs!
    I was so excited about GH with Sonny finding out about Dante, and Carly finding out about Jax, but what a let-down!
    They missed a good opportunity to really stir things up. I think they are gearing up for a summer of trouble with the teens. I am not looking forward to the storyline with Kristina and Keifer, but it is an important story to tell.
    Glad you are back!

  4. Hi Paula!
    Another astute posting on GH! I, too, cannot STAND Sonny's repetitive line about him not shooting Dante if he knew Dante was his son! I mean, really, is that the stupidest logic you've ever heard? He should not be shooting an unarmed person point-blank - period!
    Sonny and Carly always rationalize away their blame in things and I am sooooo sick of it!
    Your synopsis for what you hoped would have happened when Sonny found out about Dante being his son was the very same as mine....and it is really disappointing that Sonny STILL deflects the blame from himself on that and on everything.
    Unfortunately, OLTL is also recycling storyines, which I just wrote about today.

  5. What makes the whole Jax/Carly thing worse is that they both are waiting for the other to blink. Carly so desperatly wanted Michael to NOT be that deeply involoved with the mob, especially when he said he wanted to 'join up', that I think it may actually be good for him to see Sonny in prison. Not that we will get this same attitude next week, but still. Then Carly fawning ALL OVER Sonny just to stick it to Jax? Please grow UP!

  6. Hi Lizzy!

    Thanks, I am glad I am feeling better too! :)

  7. Hi Michele!

    Thanks! I just read your OLTL article. Although I don't really follow that show I can totally relate to your disenchantment of it. There is no worse storytelling than when soaps create storylines that fall out of line with the essence of the characters. People get to know the characters and the storyline should not dictate their behavior to the extent that they become unrecognizable.


  8. Hi kcatlin!

    Thanks for commenting and welcome to my blog! I certainly feel your frustration. It wasn't that long ago that Carly made Sonny give up his parental rights and now she is trying to keep him out of prison, go figure.



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