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Crazy Loves Company: GH

If ever there was a storyline or a character over utilized it would be the saga of Lisa Niles. I am both mentally and physically exhausted by the constant back and forth between Lisa & Robin, Lisa & Patrick, Robin & Patrick, and Robin & everyone else. Now new doctor Terrell has been thrown into the mix as another man powerless against Lisa's charms. It is difficult enough at this point to watch Lisa create a path of destruction all by herself, but now that she has help I'm not sure I have the energy to watch any more of her schemes.

Lisa had the potential to be an intriguing soap villain; and for a while it seemed like she may have had the potential to be a redeemable villain (see Miss Diagnosis). However her crazy behavior as well as the motivation behind this behavior is too much to grasp, particularly for someone who supposedly passed her psych evaluation at Shady Brook. Moreover it doesn't make sense that she could talk someone like Terrell into helping her destroy Robin just for the pleasure of her company. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would be anyone's puppet. It's not like he is some inexperienced young kid with a crush. He seems too confident, too sure of himself to allow his life to revolve around Lisa and her quest to get Patrick. In fact he may be overly confident given that he is willing to help Lisa get Patrick while trying to make her forget him at the same time.

Absolutely nothing about this storyline makes any sense anymore. It's not interesting, it's just ridiculous. It was bad enough when Johnny and Ethan got involved in all of this but with Terrell involved too it is going to be a bigger mess than before. I hate to say this because Brianna Brown has done a remarkable job with the material she has been given but I really think Lisa has worn out her stay in Port Charles. If the most we can hope for is one scheme after another in order to steal Patrick from Robin then no actress anywhere is going to be able to continue to make that interesting.


  1. Paula,

    I just watched Friday's episode since my daughter had taken over the t.v. last night (apparently Jersey Shore is like way more important). I found it disappointing when Terrell, who started out with possibilities, ends up being Lisa's 2 dimensional co-conspirator. Geez, where do they get these ideas? Lisa's, um, abilities as a motivation to trash someone's reputation and potentially damaging his own medical career in the process?

    On a brighter note, I loved Carly and Abby verbally slapping each other over Michael. Go Abby!


  2. I had high hopes for the new pediatrician coming on board. When I first saw him interact with Morgan, I thought “OKAY”.Then came his scene with Dr.Fruit Loops. Let me tell you it made my eyes bleed and hammered my gag reflex. He just seemed NASTY and she just seemed scummier. ICK It has been “head banging on the desk” illogical how she has gotten as far as she regarding her misdeeds and now this. I do like how the tone has changed in Robin & Patrick’s convos. It was becoming tiresome hearing the same thing over and over again. One thing I will not mind is if the new doc makes Patrick’s big head hurt.

  3. Hi Peggy!

    At this point Jersey Shore might actually make more sense! lol!

    I thought Terrell was going to be a good addition too, but when I saw that he was just Lisa's lap dog I pretty much wrote him off right there.

    It's no secret I'm not a big fan of the Abby and Michael pairing, but I was glad Abby stood up for herself yesterday because Carly and her little revenge plots are getting old. I'm getting tired of her planning the demise of everyone who looks at her the wrong way, it's pathetic. I thought it was funny when Carly was talking to Sonny about Abby being a stripper and Sonny corrected her by saying exotic dancer. You know Sonny he's nothing if not politically correct! lol!


  4. Hi flacaa!

    Thank you for commenting! I hope you come back often! Yeah, just once I wish we could have someone come on this show who wasn't related to a storyline that I hate. I've pretty much already written Terrell off for his pathetic connection to Lisa. It made no sense that Lisa would show up after all the years to reclaim Patrick and it makes no sense that Terrell would come back and reclaim Lisa after all this time either. Moreover the lengths they're willing to go to makes no sense. They're both doctors. How did either one of them make it this far without incident if they're both so whack-a-do now?


  5. I also am tiring of the Lisa/Robin/Patrick storyline. This has become bogged down. The addition of Johnny and Ethan seems to be going nowhere. Now, the new pediatrician has been added and that is not very exciting. It is time to head the character in another direction or off the canvas entirely. I agree that Lisa could be a good villain, but it is a worn out plot at this point.

  6. I have to agree with you. I got tired of the Lisa/Patrick/Robin love triangle & crazy angle awhile ago, before this new doc entered the scene. I think it has become stupid, tiring to watch, and has been played out enough by the writers. They need to take this in a different direction or end it all together.

  7. Hi ta1231!

    Thank you for commenting! I hope you come back often!

    I never really understood why Johnny ever became involved in the first place, other than to have Lisa be indebted to him. I'm sure there are plenty of other people he could have gotten to treat his gunshot wounds though.


  8. Hi Helen E.!

    Thank you for commenting! I hope you come back often!

    I agree, I was tired of this storyline a long time ago too. I thought it would all end with Lisa having Robin in the well and her threatening to shoot herself. Everything should have started wrapping up at that point, but instead there have been months of Lisa playing out the same old schemes. It has really been like watching repeat episodes and I'm sure the introduction of Terrell won't do anything to change that.


  9. Now there's a new doctor pulling something over on the chief of staff and the other doctors. I'm wondering if that poor dead nurse is still lying in the stairway, and if her family wonders why she never showed up for Christmas dinner. Maybe they can throw her under the bus, literally, and pretend she died in the accident.

  10. Hi Squiggle3951!

    Thanks for commenting! I hope you come back often!

    Excellent point! I think everybody has forgotten about that nurse. I'm not sure why they bothered to write it in like they thought it was a possibility that Lisa killed her if they were just going to turn around and have her go back to GH and make Robin look crazy.


  11. I am worn out with this whole storyline as well. I mean I was actually getting hopeful when Patrick and Robin were sharing the holidays and getting along so well. Then they bring in this doctor and i seriously probably said WTH so loud the neighbors heard. I thought it was great the way he was with Morgan until he was getting all googly eyes with "Out of her Tree" Lisa Niles. I actually thought what Johnny was doing with her was hilarious because I thought. "FINALLY! Someone is messing with HER!" They need to really close up this storyline because if not the viewers may lose interest. Thankfully the other things in Port Charles are peaking my interest.

  12. This is a little OT here but was it just me or did today(Tuesday 1/11)'s episode have a totally random scene with Abby and creepy guy? Then the next thing she's and Michael are making out. Where's creepy guy? I almost have to watch it again it was so weird.


  13. Hi Peggy!

    Yeah the way that was edited was a little weird, but from what I have heard random creepy guy isn't quite as random as he seemed. Because I don't like to post spoilers on here that's all I'll say for now, but yeah I think that guy comes into play pretty soon. I hate the way they edited those scenes though, it did make him seem random. I think they were going for foreshadowing but missed the mark.


  14. Paula,

    Okay, sorry. But it just looked like it should have come at the end, don't you think? But back to the topic. I wonder why Lisa would take Terrell to Jakes when anyone could overhear them. I know she appeared to be using him to get Patrick jealous, and I can see the "oh no he cheated on me with your wife" thing. But I really wish GH would have made Terrell's character a little more exciting.

  15. Hi Peggy!

    Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I just didn't want to give anything away. And I absolutely agree that that scene should have come at the end after Michael and Abby's kiss.

    Ah yes, Lisa talking to Terrell at Jake's, not very bright; but it's like Lucky going to the pier to talk about being undercover or everyone on DOOL talking at the pier about all their secrets. I guess it's just an easy way of letting other characters become suspicious. It's kind of played though and it makes the characters look stupid.

    Terrell does need to be more interesting, being associated with Lisa is not exactly a point in his favor.



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