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Easy Come, Easy Go: DOOL

With the Parker paternity storyline now coming to a close, DOOL seems to be giving GH a run for their money in how to bungle the endings of perfectly good storylines. I, like many viewers, assumed that once it was discovered that Philip cheated on Melanie and fathered Chloe's child, and that Stephanie was keeping this from Nathan, there would be a Melanie and Nathan reunion. However, two very important things happened last week that will undoubtedly make that impossible. First, it was announced that Mark Hapka had been fired. Then DOOL released a promo which shows Melanie finding out she is pregnant, presumably with Philip's baby (unless of course they find a way to write in that she slept with someone else).


DOOL has been teasing its viewers for months about a Nathan and Melanie reunion and to suddenly drop that as a possibility seems like such a waste. Where is the return on the viewers' investment in watching this show? Of course there is always a chance that there will be a recast in the role of Nathan, but if Melanie really is pregnant with Philip's baby that seems unlikely. I certainly hope this poor excuse for a plot twist was not why Mark Hapka was fired because how many infants does Philip really need? Remember this is the guy who looked confused during Victor's contraceptive lecture.


Mark Hapka's exit from DOOL is reminiscent of Drew Garrett's exit from GH. Both actors were fired right at the end of a major storyline. To be fair, recasting the role of Michael hasn't been a complete catastrophe. It was a shame that GH let such a talented actor go, but Chad Duell is also talented and seems to have won favor with many viewers. Of course given the way he joined GH it could have gone either way. I just hope DOOL and its viewers are as lucky with their casting changes.

Potential calamity aside, the ending of this storyline does have one major high point - the discovery of Stephanie's part in all of this. It was such a relief that Nathan finally saw through her lies and said goodbye. The only thing better than that would be if everyone found out that she had hacked into personal medical records with the intention of changing paternity results. In fact Kayla should be careful about placing blame on Carly considering everything her daughter and mother are guilty of doing. I must say though I was almost embarrassed for Stephanie today when she realized that Nathan knew the truth about her. She went from defending her actions to pathetic groveling in about two seconds.


Before watching this I never realized it was possible for something to make you laugh and cringe all at the same time. However, the funniest part came at the end when Nathan left, closing the door behind him. Stephanie reacted by desperately beating on the door before falling into a lifeless heap of chiffon and tears, because clearly his exit meant he had escaped through some sort of portal, making it impossible for her to find him even if she opened the door.



  1. The firing of Mark Hapka is a huge mistake. I have been waiting for the Melanie/Nathan reunion all this time, and feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under me.

  2. Hi Susan!

    Thanks for commenting! I hope you stop by often!

    I agree, as I'm sure many viewers do. The Nathan/Melanie reunion has been a long time coming and it seemed inevitable. You can't build up a couple for this long then fire one of the actors at the most crucial point. That's soap writing 101 and I can't believe they are doing this.


  3. The firing of Mark Hapka is very surprising and a big mistake. I agree that they have teased about a Melanie/Nathan reunion for months only to pull this twist at the end. I don't understand why storylines are just suddenly dropped not only on DOOL, but other soaps as well. Where is the payoff for invested viewers? I also tire of everything always being Carly's fault on DOOL. It becomes one note after awhile. Surely more creativity than this can be found.

  4. The firing of Mark Hapka is very surprising. Yet, who knows what will happen for both Mark and the character of Nathan in the future? I think Stephanie's character is a huge mess right now and this would be a good time to give the girl a rest, preferably offscreen.

  5. Hi ta1231!

    Thanks for commenting! I hope you stop by often!

    Yeah, I agree I don't understand this trend of soaps dropping storylines all of sudden either. That seems to go on more now than it ever did before. I can understand some of the more minor ones being dropped, but when they drop major ones people tend to notice and it affects the quality of the show.


  6. Hi soapthoughts!

    Thanks for commenting! I hope you stop by often!

    I agree the Stephanie character is a mess right now. Half the time I can't tell when she's trying to be sincere and when she's trying to be manipulative. She's all over the map!



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