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Singer/Songwriter Phoebe Sharp Takes Her Career to New 'Heights'

Anyone who watches the new Nick-at-Nite soap "Hollywood Heights" knows that music is at the heart and soul of the show. It plays an integral part in both defining the characters and illuminating the emotions of each scene.

I recently had the privilege of interviewing up and coming singer/songwriter Phoebe Sharp, whose music has been featured on the show.

This is what Phoebe had to say about her music and its place on "Hollywood Heights":

Photo from the Phoebe Sharp Music facebook page 

Your song "Everything Fades" is featured in a poignant scene where the audience really gets their first glimpse of who Max, Katie, and Eddie were as a family. So how did all of this come about, having one of your songs featured on Hollywood Heights? Did you know how it would be incorporated into the show?

I was so honored to find out that my song, "Everything Fades," was playing during the first real intimate scene portraying Max, Katie, and Eddie's relationship. The scene had a lot of sadness and longing, it was really beautiful. It was an amazing feeling knowing my song helped to convey a deeper aspect of a character. Music can be a powerful tool to aid a visual. 
My publishing company, Young Guns Publishing, heard about the show while it was beginning production. We submitted my music to the music supervisor. Later, I found out that some of my songs would be used in a few episodes, but I was not told where they were placed. Watching episode 102 when it aired was one of the best experiences of my music career thus far because my song was used in such a great scene.  

Have any of your songs appeared on other tv shows or movies before?  

Hollywood Heights is the first show that my music has appeared on. I do have an instrumental song that will be placed in a big independent film that will hopefully be coming out in the next year. I also had songs featured on the iPad app of the month in October 2011, called "Dracula." 

On Hollywood Heights much of Loren's songwriting is inspired by Eddie and his music. Where do you find your inspiration?  

I find my inspiration from multiple sources. Obviously, the first source is life and my own personal experiences. But I am also extremely inspired by books, movies, and dramatic tv shows. I am a big CW junkie. I love all the shows on that network and I write a song after almost any CW episode that I watch  from shows such as "The Vampire Diaries", "Gossip Girl", and "The Secret Circle." I have also become really attached to the characters on Hollywood Heights, so I write songs about them as well.

I read on your facebook page that you come from a non-musical family, so when and how did you discover that you not only had a passion for music, but a talent for singing and songwriting as well?  

I do come from a non-musical family, and I have always been envious of kids who came from a family where everyone played an instrument or sang. That kind of musical camaraderie really grows amazing musicians. 
From an early age, I loved music. I used to make up silly little songs with my friends all the time and record them on my karaoke/tape recorder machine. Music was simply a part of who I was. When I was 5 years old, my dad brought home an antique piano. I still have it to this day and it is one of my most prized possessions. It is a 100 year old upright grand with ivory keys and ornate wood carvings. Once I had the piano, my musical journey really began. I took piano lessons and guitar lessons. I could accompany myself while singing, which was an amazing feeling. I started writing fully formed songs around 5th grade. Now I am taking drum lessons and I am teaching myself to play accordion and the ukulele. I love learning new instruments. 

How would you describe your sound?  

It's always hard for an artist to describe their sound. I always want to say, "I simply sound like me." The only thing I can say is that I have a lot of influences. I'm more like a song collector. I try to soak up the most interesting aspects from all different types of styles and songs and incorporate them into my music. Therefore, as the music scene changes, I will always hope to evolve as well. My favorite bands right now are Coldplay, U2, The Fray, Civil Twilight, Sarah Bareilles, Adele, Florence and the Machine, and Sia. I guess I could be classified as pop singer/songwriter. A lot of my songs have a tinge of darkness to them. The new album I'm working on is definitely string and piano heavy. 

How old were you when you wrote your first song?  

I started writing little songs at a very early age (around 3 years old), but my first fully formed song was written when I was in 5th grade. The song was called "Fly Away." 

At one time you were hoping to get your song "Poison Love" on The Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack. Unfortunately that never materialized, but you did receive a lot of positive feedback for it, and rightly so I might add. Did that help to create more opportunities to have your music heard by a wider audience?  

Although my song, "Poison Love" was never placed in The Twilight Saga: New Moon Soundtrack, I still received a great deal of exposure for it. It opened me up to a whole new fan base and a lot of the fans I made through that song have remained loyal fans throughout the years. My song was featured on a Clevver TV broadcast featuring some of their favorite Twilight fan music and that really helped to spread my music and jump start my career. 

What was the first concert you attended? 

The first concert I attended was a Lorie Line concert. She is a professional pianist.  

Are there any immediate plans to have some of your other songs featured on Hollywood Heights? 

More of my songs are being featured in Hollywood Heights. In fact, I [had] some placements this week!

You're obviously multi-talented, being a singer/songwriter and having participated in both dance and theater. Is there another talent you wish you had also been born with? 

I wish I was born with perfect pitch. :) 

If you could collaborate on a song with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? 

I would love to collaborate with Chris Martin from Coldplay, and Steve McKellar from Civil Twilight.  

Where can people find your music? 

People can find my music on my website:, my facebook page (, reverbnation ( and digital stores such as itunes. My iTunes artist page can be found here: I also have an app for fans to keep up with my music, shows, and recent news:
I would also like to add that I am working on a new album, which will be released in 2013, with award winning songwriter and producer John Nathaniel. I am recording the album at his studio in Montreal, Quebec and I can't wait to share the new music with everyone! 

Be sure to check out all of Phoebe Sharp's music. Trust me when I say you will enjoy it as much as I do. And catch new episodes of Hollywood Heights every weeknight on Nick-at-Nite at 9/8c! 

Phoebe Sharp "Poison Love"


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