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Past Transgressions: GH

On Wednesday's General Hospital, Sonny and Claudia arrived in Puerto Rico as part of a "power move" to maintain lucrative business arrangements in spite of Anthony's takeover attempt during the carnival. Meanwhile Jason and Sam were back in Port Charles, still looking for evidence that could tie Claudia to Michael's shooting. They seem to be getting closer to finding that evidence too, as they search through Ian Devlin's patient files with Patrick and Robin. I just do not understand why it has taken everyone so long to realize that there could be clues to Michael's shooting at the hospital. Considering that Devlin was a doctor, I can think of no place more appropriate or more secure for hiding incriminating evidence.

Elsewhere in Port Charles, Michael was continuing to struggle with confusion over his memories. And as he was confiding in Carly about the possibility of more than one person being involved in his shooting, Jax walked in and interrupted. Unfortunately for Jax this only served to trigger one of Michael's most explosive memories to date, the one implicating Jerry. And before Jax had the opportunity to interrupt again, Michael blurted out Jerry's name, essentially suggesting that he had been involved in the shooting. Of course Jax will likely be able deny knowledge of any wrongdoing, as he has done countless times before. The mere suggestion of Jerry's involvement will likely be enough to send Carly back into premature labor, effectively buying Jax more time to cover up what he knows.

Meanwhile, outside Sonny's new office, Dante's suspicions of the mysterious "CO77X" graffiti continued to grow. After finding out that Ronnie was unfamiliar with these markings, Dante sought Spinelli's help in finding out their meaning. Unfortunately Spinelli's online searches came up with nothing, but as we all know soaps rarely introduce information that isn't meaningful in some way. And I suspect these markings are of particular significance to Dante, especially when one considers the implications of the crime scene photos that often accompany this graffiti. Taking into consideration the limited amount of clues GH has given viewers so far, I think that perhaps these crime photos depict the murder of Mr. Poletti, Dante's childhood father figure. If this is true one can only assume that the graffiti is somehow tied to whoever killed him. I know that Dante has always believed that Sonny was responsible for Mr. Poletti's death, but this seems unlikely. In the end I think Dante will discover that the man he has hated all of these years has really never given him a reason to hate him at all.


  1. Does anyone know the name of that song that's being played every time we see the CO77X? I can't.

  2. Hi garbskye!
    The name of the song is "Mad World",but I am not entirely certain about who is singing this particular version. If I find out I'll let you know.

  3. Paula,

    It's Mad World and it's sung by Tears for Fears, but also by Donnie Darko (I think this is the version as the Tears for Fears is very fast. It could be Adam Lambert too. Duh!


    Peggy (aka garbskye)

  4. Hi Peggy (nice to be able to call you by an actual name for a change lol!)

    Yeah, I knew this song had several different versions of it. That's why I was hesitant about posting anything but the title until I was sure who the artist was. I am inclined to say that this is the Adam Lambert version, but I haven't found anything that says "yes, this is his version", you know? Its funny, when I first heard this song on GH I was sure this was A.L.'s version, but the more I listened to it the less convinced I was that it was him singing.


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