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Hit and Run: GH

I never thought I would say this, but I think I am finally on board with the Rebecca character on General Hospital. It is just too bad that her portrayer, Natalia Livingston, is set to leave the show in the not so distant future. The last few episodes of GH have given viewers a glimpse of what Rebecca could have been like in a storyline that didn't somehow revolve around Emily. And for the first time since Livingston's return to the show I have been able to see her as someone other than Emily. Granted, my sudden affection for Rebecca has everything to do with her disdain for Elizabeth, which is something we actually have in common. And needless to say it was great to see Rebecca finally give Elizabeth what she deserved, even if she held back a little more than I would have. However, I wish this storyline had come along a lot sooner because now I actually feel like Rebecca is someone I could root for, rather than just tolerate. And let's face it, her involvement in the Lucky/Liz/Nikolas triangle has suddenly made everything more interesting, even if it turns out that Nikolas accidentally hit her with his car at the end of today's episode.

The confrontation & Nikolas hits Rebecca?
[no copyright infringement intended]


  1. You know, I have to completely agree with you. Up until now, I have been SO annoyed with Rebecca and anything that had to do with her. I found myself tuning anything about her out while watching. Even at the end of yesterday's episode, I got a twinge of excitement when I thought Nikolas may have hit Rebecca. Then, after I thought about it I wasn't as excited anymore because we FINALLY had someone who was going to spill the beans about Niz to Lucky. As always, great blog Paula!

  2. Hi Carol!

    Thanks for commenting and for the positive feedback! :) I can't wait for Lucky to find out about Liz. I know he will be angry and heartbroken, but I don't know how many more days I can endure of him being Liz and Nikolas's cheerleader! lol!

  3. ITA with you Paula and Carol!
    I feel exactly the same way about Rebecca too! I'm FINALLY liking her. And I LOVED it when Rebecca stuck it to Elizabeth! I was cheering.
    I loved the line when Rebecca said, "You're actually trying to make this my fault? You have nerves of steel Elizabeth, I'll give you that!"
    Great Post Paula!

  4. Hi Michele!

    Thanks for commenting and for the compliment! :) I loved that line too! She had a lot of great lines yesterday. She said everything I have been wanting someone to say to Elizabeth for weeks now. If only the men would just get a clue about her! lol!


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