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Top 10 Soapy Things I Am Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving I thought it would be appropriate to make a top ten list of the soap-related things I am thankful for. Please feel free to share your own!

This year I am thankful...

1.) For Days of Our Lives - It gives me a break from the Brenda drama over on GH.

2.) That Maggie isn't going to stay in that sarcophagus much longer, oh and maybe people on
       that show will stop saying sarcophagus.

3.) That it has been a while since there has been any mention of Helena and the train wreck
       that would have been the Cassadine storyline.

4.) For the break-up of Sonny and Claire - seriously who could have stood that much

5.) For Natalia Livingston going to DOOL - because I love seeing soapy favorites on shows
       I'm already watching.

6.) That Lucky has a storyline outside of all the Liz drama even if it is only temporary and
       it means that we are forced to listen to Siobhan and her highly over-exaggerated Irish

7.) That DOOL will be around for at least two more years and... 

8.) there are still six soaps on the air

9.) That DOOL still utilizes its veterans in interesting storylines.

10.) For all my readers, facebook likers, twitter followers, and fellow bloggers. I am thankful
         I have all of you to share my soap opinions with, even if we don't always agree.

(P.S. I have no idea why the format of this post looks so weird, must be a blogspot glitch. Too bad I don't have a non-distracted Spinelli type person in my life to fix it.)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Paula!

    I am thankful for...(and not necessarily in order)

    1)my tivo so I can forward through the chewing-up-the-scenery Brenda/Sonny
    2)my tivo so I can pause on Johnny whenever I want
    3)my puppy who always barks when Claire speaks
    4)all my friends and family who stick with me even when I wouldn't myself.

  2. Yes, I am thankful for my tivo because I have definitely been fast forwarding through a lot of the scenes on GH lately. I still cannot believe how this show has been continuously going downhill for so long. I don't understand their tendency to pick one character and make the whole show revolve around them. Are they incapable of writing for more than one person at a time?

  3. Paula,

    I know what you mean. Maybe they're taking their cue from the night-time shows that seem to have a bad habit of doing that from time to time.

    I just wish Maya would stop rejecting Ethan. It's getting pretty old. Especially when there's nothing there to get excited about, but I can't figure out why.

    I'm just thankful for Diane and Max. They keep things interesting.

  4. Peggy,

    I think Maya is getting pretty old. She adds nothing to the show and Ethan has gotten pretty much the same way. This storyline with him and Maya is just blah. I really hope we don't actually have to put up with her for another year.

    Diane and Max need to be shown more. Every time Diane is on screen everything is a lot less boring.

  5. Paula,

    Sorry - been busy trying to finish writing a book for NaNoWriMo (I won, I won). Yes, that whole thing about Ethan trying to get her to do her wifely duties and she's acting like a spoiled little brat. I've been forwarding through the Sonny/Brenda scenes like I did the Sonny/Claire scenes now because the dialog is so cheesy. Geez, I used to watch DOOL, perhaps I need to go back?

  6. Peggy,

    Oh, I know the Brenda and Sonny scenes are soooo cheesy. Every time Brenda says "I have a date with Sonny" and grins I feel like that is some sort of little nod to the audience to get excited about this reunion. I'm not feeling it though, right now they are just getting on my nerves.

    I would definitely recommend DOOL right now. I stopped watching it for years and everybody kept telling me how good it was so finally I started watching it again. Aside from their lame product placements the storylines are actually interesting and it gives me a welcome break from the mess that GH has been lately. They must be in a slump or something because I have been having to fast forward through a lot of it too. It's just not good right now. And my blog is suffering because they aren't even inspiring me to complain. At this point I would just be repeating myself.



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