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Great Cesar's Ghost: GH

I think we all knew after last Friday's episode that Duke was really Cesar Faison, even those of us who weren't watching GH the last time he wreaked havoc in Port Charles. It made perfect sense that a supervillain would be holding Robin captive. How else would one explain her surviving that explosion? Only a supervillain could pull that off; and only a supervillain could make the idea of someone passing themselves off as someone else by wearing a latex mask seem plausible. I'm a little irritated that Anna didn't pick up on the fact that she was kissing someone with a rubber face, but I'm willing to let go of that for now because this reveal answered a lot of lingering questions about why "Duke" would be holding Robin captive. I had all but resigned myself to the fact that the writers must have been making things up as they went along, with little or no regard for the show's history. I am pleased that was not the case and that GH's history is actually being honored, respected, and in a sense, celebrated. I'm also excited that GH finally has a story involving a supervillain (and no, rival mobsters and Lisa Niles don't count) because this opens up the whole canvas to a multitude of possibilities, particularly since we know the real Duke is actually alive. It makes me wonder who else Faison might be holding in his makeshift mental hospital...Georgie? Emily? Claudia? A not so baby Jake? The possibilities are endless and I for one hope the writers really make the most out of Faison's return. In some ways I actually find this storyline more believable than Patrick showing any interest at all in Dr. Britt, especially after seeing how horribly she treats Sabrina and how snarky she was about the Nurses' Ball. Prior to Lisa Niles, this is exactly the type of woman Patrick would have gone for, but I like to think he has learned a little something since then. I guess I'm giving him too much credit though because it would not surprise me at all if Lisa had purchased herself a Britt mask in order to have another shot at Patrick. For all we know she may be working for Faison so she can keep Patrick from finding out the truth about Robin. 


  1. I thought the EXACT same thing about Anna and the rubber mask!! Haha! How we think alike, Paula! I also totally agree about Patrick with Britt. He saw how rude she was to Sabrina. I just don't believe Patrick post-Robin would be with someone like Britt. I like the Lisa Niles in a mask theory, though. That's out-of-the-box thinking! Good post!

    1. We do think a lot alike Michele! :) Thanks for commenting, so glad you liked it! :)


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