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Tell Me More: Y&R

In light of all the continuing complaints about Y&R's storylines, I have decided re-post this blog topic to open up a discussion for my readers about why they are continuing to watch Y&R or why they are not. You can write anything you like as long as you are respectful of everyone else's opinion.


  1. I guess I'm so use to watching this show that I automatically watch from force of habit. I just might stop watching because the s/l are just too ridiculous.

  2. I have been watching for years too and for months I have been thinking about how ridiculous the storylines are. I kept waiting for things to get better, but they only seemed to get worse. So one day I was just like you know what I don't think I want to watch anymore and I haven't watched since. That was over a month ago and from what I have been reading things still haven't gotten any better.

    I think what made it so easy for me to stop watching was the fact that Y&R became like a totally different show. Their storylines are not consistent with what I am used to seeing on there. It has just changed too much.

  3. Hey thanks for the post on my CBS acct. I wouldn't have known if it didn't send me an e-mail. I havent watched in forever and just read some of your blogs about what is going on and they are getting stupid. Thanks for the sponsor list too. Hope all is well. My house is getting cleaner since I have an hour to do more. Good luck and email me if they change on Y&R. jnlallen

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to voice our dissatisfaction with the writing and the current trend on Young and Restless.
    I have been watching this show since the late 1980s when I started watching it with my mother. I am so disappointed and disgusted with the sick twists that I have not watched the show for about a month now. I read the comments on the message board from time to time and so I am aware of sickness that now pervades the show, like Devon making out with his "aunt." that is so sickening.
    Good luck with the blog and I hope it gets lots of support. Allorrie

  5. Thanks for keeping us up to date on this show. I am afraid the writers have done irreparable damage to the Y/R we loved all these years! Every storyline they have going is sickening, unbelievable and/or shocking! I haven't watched in about 2 months. I refuse to have my senses clogged with that kind of filth! For me it's good riddance to bad rubbish!

  6. Hey jnlallen! I haven't watched the show in about a month or more but I am trying to stay informed about what is going on with the storylines and I have to say each one is more appalling than the next. Like you, I too have much more free time to get things done since I am no longer devoting an hour out of every day to watch Y&R. And trust me I'll be shouting it from the rooftops should they ever decide to restore the quality of this once so well-written show!

  7. Hey Allorrie! You are certainly not alone in your disgust with Y&R's storylines! I know very few people who aren't offended by at least one of the current storylines. I just heard about the Devon and Tyra thing this morning. As you might have read in one of my July posts, "Strange Bedfellows" I had a feeling that the show was moving in that direction, but it doesn't make that pairing any less disgusting. Yes, I know they aren't technically related but to Devon she was still his aunt up until a few months ago. I quit watching B&B years ago for similar reasons when they starting trying to make Ridge and Bridget an item after years of the viewers thinking that they were father and daughter! Contrary to what they might think repulsive storylines are not synonymous with quality writing.

    Thanks so much for the well wishes! Feel free to check in anytime. I am sure there will be much more talk about in the coming months!

  8. Hey Elizabeth! Like you I am afraid that they have done too much damage to the show for it to ever be repaired. In my opinion it has gone downhill in record time and it will take a lot of work for it to ever be restored to the show that it once was.

  9. I definetly will not watch the show. I watch it only to see what Victor will do next. If they need money to pay Victor then they should get rid of Gloria, Adam or dead face Mac.

  10. I agree. There are lots of actors on this show that probably never should have been introduced in the first place.

  11. After reading all the comments, I too agree with the fact that there is a problem with the writers, of late. What's up? Where are the Bell family writers? Some of the story lines are unbelievable, even for soapdome. Fire all the writers or demand they go back to writing stories that viewers can relate to. Sometimes we get angry at the characters, but they are only following the scripts given to them by the
    "writers". Also, powers-to-be don't let Victor/Eric leave!!!!!!YOU'LL BE SORRY!!!!!

  12. Unfortunately the Bell family writers are still somewhat in charge. Maria Arena Bell is one of the head writers. She is the wife of Bill Bell Jr., who of course is the son of the creators of Y&R. So I don't see her leaving anytime soon. As for Eric Braeden's exit, he is the glue that holds that show together. Without him this house of cards they have built out of these horrible storylines will likely tumble down.


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